Wednesday, October 10, 2007


office stress 2

valium could have helped that mess ...

Friday, October 5, 2007

im zeitalter der hornissen

This is available only in German language, but can be translated upon request.

An interview with a sharp book critic Sigrid Loeffler about the reactionarism that is gripping the German feuilletons.
She is outraged about the awarding of Georg Buechner Prize to Martin Mosebach, a manirist writer who has been proud of his reactionarism, in the first place because Georg Buechner himself was an enthusiast about Enlightment ideas, that Mosebach completely negates by his coquetry with the backwards oriented ideas. Her only explanation for the allocation of the prize to him is his political declaration.

"Das hat etwas Perverses"

Sigrid Löffler kritisiert Vergabe des Georg-Büchner-Preises an Martin Mosebach

This sounds familiar to me: in Croatia, all of a sudden most of the former members of the communist party started sitting in the first rows of churches, and one of my friends who always attended the mass, even in the "dark times" confessed she could not go any more, because she was disgusted by the bigotry...
We are seeming to move towards the middle ages again, forgetting that there was an Enlightment inbetween: the souls are getting frightened, intimidated; inquistion is in full bloom, getting technologically developed on a highest level, and religion is offered everywhere like mushrooms in a coffeeshop...

Aren't the most damages to the mankind usually caused by the "human factor": tiredness, ignorance, dilettantism: Titanic, Pearl Harbour, Tschernobil, plane and car crashes, ship wreckages ...? It is just human nature, to oversee, to slip...

Meticulous planning and implementation is good for business, something we expect as consumerism junkies, frequent flyers, doctors' fragile patients... The panic is inevitable, when an organisation meticulously plans and implements a project to destroy life. Makes the Holocaust, Ruanda, Srebrenica , 11-09 so unique, horrifying traumas to the mankind for all times. There were brains that sat together and instead building new bridges and schools just used all of their engineering knowledge and organising ability to following the principle of death.
Though it is far fetched to bring the award for a reactionary literate in connection with principles of death, some poisons start manifesting through applause.
In the nature, there are bees and hornets. Seems that we entered the era of hornets again.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back to the dirty old town

Back to the dirty, old town, just to leave it again at the end of this month. I will miss it, but it stays here to visit. Along with some very good friends, and along the bitter taste it leaves, because of the cause of the whole situation. More and detailed about it in the following posts. A small intro: the subject will be presented from two aspects: the exploitation of workforce being masked under the title of "corporate social responsibility" and exploitation of the title "journalism" for something people usually call PR, or lobbying. Everyone who has had an exploitative contract in the EU circles or further, everyone who has interest or a whish to post here on these two subjects is very welcome to do so. Anonymity guaranteed. For preparation: a nice little comment on our subjects' probable idol, Rupert: Read All About It
by Steve Coll
More links, pictures, documents, letters etc will be posted soon.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Friday, July 27, 2007

weekend: time for music and dance

a small detour from the subject, but still: a strong lesson. reading, copying, re-writing policy papers... papers, powerpoints that make one loose touch with the all possibilities open in real life, all the talent that is a part of human nature. but we create institutions that need even a simplification commissioner to function properly.

read more about STAFF BENDA BILILI (FR)